Friday, November 5, 2010

Who's work is it?

At the age of 36 I don't claim to understand it all, however as we progress in years I believe it is right to learn and mature in our understanding. I have had these years to learn through my failures and successes. The older I get the more I understand what Paul is talking about here in Romans 8. People are unable to make the changes necessary in life to please God. Paul says that the sinful mind is "hostile to God" and that it cannot please God. No matter how much one may try harder to be better, it will always fall short. The life driven by sinful nature will lead to death, "but if BY THE SPIRIT you put to death the misdeeds of the body you will live..." As hard as people try, it is impossible to create a life that pleases God. It is BY THE SPIRIT that we find life.

If your life seems to be filled with ups and downs, and then more ups and downs, look to what is driving your life. Is it your own strength to simply do better, or is it rooted in the spirit of God changing you from the inside out? Real change that pleases God and leads to life doesn't come through your work, but from work done in you by God's Spirit. Invite the Holy Spirit to begin to make changes in you that will make you the new creation you are meant to be. Be encouraged today!