Wednesday, November 23, 2011


One of my favorite memories of Thanksgiving is each year watching "March of the Wooden Soldiers." Each year Laurel & hardy would start the day off right, along with the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. With the smell of wonderful food cooking, and the anticipation of family coming over to celebrate, I felt secure and comfortable. There is something really great about Thanksgiving time, and this time of year alltogether. Here are a few things all of us would do well to remember this Thanksgiving.

1. Thank God. He is the ultimate provider.
2. Fellowship. We were designed to be with others.
3. Eat. We should eat to the glory of God! (Plus, Thanksgiving dinner is so good!)
4. Give. Find how we can give to those in need.
5. Bless. Be a walking blessing to those around you in word & action.
6. Love. Make sure your love is felt by your family & friends, not just heard.
7. Laugh. Getting together with others is best accompanied by laughter!

Just a few thoughts as we enter into such a wonderful season of the year. Have a blessed Thanksgiving friends!