Sunday, July 26, 2009

Church Health

All churches inevitably have problems that need to be dealt with. While reading in Revelation today I read of the seven churches and their strong points as well as their weak points. We too can take from these strengths and weaknesses and try our best to glean from them as churches today. A few things we should take from these churches are:

-Hold to strong scriptural doctrine
-Endure spiritual persecution
-Put full trust in the name of Jesus
-Grow in love & service
-Stay pure and loyal
-Keep God's word front and center

These are the essentials for a church body and also the things that Jesus commended the seven churches for. There are also rebukes to these churches that we should learn from as to not fall into them today. They are as follows:

-The loss of our first love Jesus
-Any false teaching
-Poor discernment
-Tolerating heresy and wickedness
-Dead works
-Being spiritually blind
-Being lukewarm

As we strive for healthy churches in todays world we would do well to look at the very things that Jesus commended & rebuked these churches for. These are the same things that sadly get into churches today and cause all kinds of strife and dissention. Let's hold fast to the very things that Jesus looks at in all of us. Look at these churches and let's repent of anything we have allowed in that have caused us to be less than effective. The church has the power to change the world for Jesus if we strive to be healthy and focus on these very things.
Be blessed today!

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