A friend of mine recently posted a status on Facebook talking about wrestling with God. The question he was asking was what would it look like for him to wrestle with God for what he wants most. Jacob wrestled with God in Genesis 32:23-34 and would not stop until he was blessed. I think we all want to be blessed by God, and rightly so. I think one of the biggest problems facing us today is the wrestling match of wills that we have with God.
In this corner, weighing in at 170#(give or take a few pounds) is the contender, Clint Reeves. In this corner, weighing in at 0#(remember, God is a spirit) is the creator of the universe, the big El Elyon, the great I AM, the Alpha and Omega, none other than GOD! To say it that way may sound a bit funny, but it's true, we do battle wills with Him. We go back and forth, yell, scream, cry, beg, plead and so on...you get the picture. Then we just make the decision and move on as if we are capable of making our own life decisions. Of course, we are not able to make these decisions ourselves. God is always leading us. We can wrestle with Him all we want, but in the end if it's the battle of the wills, He will win. It isn't until we turn our trust over to Him and wrestle with Him for the right reason, to receive His blessing, that He will indeed bless us.
I read this tonight in my time of wrestling that really forced me to see that I was wrestling wills with God. It is found in Hosea. It made me ponder my wrestling with God and ask myself if I was righteous, wise or discerning. It is this:
Hosea 14:9"Let those who are wise understand these things. Let those who are discerning listen carefully. The paths of the Lord are true and right, and righteous people live by walking in them. But sinners stumble and fall along the way."Live by walking in His ways.
Be blessed today!