Monday, August 3, 2009

Seasons of Life

There are more "sure things" in life than just death and taxes. Those things are sure even if we choose to not pay the taxes for a time and then they come back to haunt us in a bad way! We cannot get away from them. Death will inevitably come for us all one day or another too. There are other things in life that are "sure things" as well, like seasons of life. One thing I have found in my own life in looking back on the journey we have come through is seasons.

In 1992 I was leaving High School and had no idea what I would do. I remember doing the only thing that was available to me at the time and got a job at the place where my father had worked for many years, Pacific Metal Co. I remember so many highs and lows and times I thought I would work there for the rest of my life, but ultimately found it was only a season of life. God placed in our lives a wonderful couple who saw so much more in us than we saw in ourselves and they began to challenge us in our life. Little by little God began to build confidence in us and the desire to serve Him deeper. Southside Christian Center was a great season for Kim and I, but still only a season. As we were encouraged and grew in the Lord, we took a great step of faith to move from Portland to Eugene and go to school. Kim worked full time as I went to school and worked in the evenings. We were only there about a year, but it seemed like the longest year of our lives. We were broke during that year, and it was hard for our kids but again, it was only a season. From there we went back to Portland to take a job working for a rock crushing company taking parts calls from all over the country. It was there that God gave me a friend who other than my wife is one of the greatest people in my life. After five months of being back in the Portland area, God called it a season and opened the door for a new one. Leaving behind friends and family again, God opened the door to a ministry position in southern Oregon. It was there that God gave us the opportunity to serve Him vocationally in ministry. The town was small and the people were a bit closed from us but over time God opened their hearts to us and ours to them. Two and a half years later God again laid it on our hearts that it was the end of a season and He would lead us into what He had ahead. After two months now, God has again opened the door to a new season in our life. We are on the brink of a move to central Washington that is another step of faith for sure. I don't know exactly what all lies ahead but I do know this, that when God closes the door to one season, He opens the door to a new season. Kim and I know that sense and try never to quench the new season that the Lord wants us to walk through.

I have been a warehouse worker, a student, a janitor, a parts representitive, an associate pastor, a worship leader, a youth pastor, and for the past two months a jobless & homeless guy! But I will tell you what I have learned. God has seasons that are set in His timing and if you surrender to Him enough you get pretty good at sensing His timing. It requires taking yourself out of the situation and serving Him and His people wherever that may be. Whatever season you are in right now know this, it's not forever. Serve Him with all you are and be open to serving His people anywhere at anytime. Don't worry, He will lead the way.
Be blessed today!

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